In 2020 God gave me a dream. In that dream, I talked with my fellow brother in Christ about God calling Fire Falling into Gospel Crusades/Tent Revivals. While I poured out my dream of seeing millions saved for Jesus we were standing in a large open field. After a few minutes my brother left to go grab a water, and as I looked down I was up to my waist in blood. I then looked up and this blood flooded the entire field. It was the blood of Jesus... Immediately when I had the revelation that I was standing in the precious blood of my Savior, I was thrust into the sky to look down upon the earth, almost as like a plane would. I was above large deep purple mountains, and surrounding the mountains were vast fields of grain as far as the eyes could see. As I looked down upon the mountains and field, the blood of Jesus began to wash over them like a rushing river; covering the grain and overtaking the mountains. As I woke up, the first the thing put into my head was, "purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain." I believe the cry of God through this ministry is that of Habakkuk 2:14-"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." We want to ravage hell with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and see His bride prepared for His coming.
-Pastor Jake Ricketts